To the program

How we made mobile service-quality telemetry using Firebase, BigQuery, and Grafana


Everybody has seen pictures like «N unit tests, 0 integration tests», and almost everyone understands just how important testing is: from unit to e2e.

But after any release, you still get users running to tell you that nothing works. Why? Large applications have a litany of external factors that can’t be tested: from poor internet connections to a suddenly expired certificate on one of a user’s dozens of servers.

This is where analytics comes in, collecting data from real users.

In this presentation, we will discuss:

  • The problems RTM helps solve
  • Existing RTM solutions and their pros and cons
  • Our RTM architecture (how reinventing the wheel worked out for us), if it’s expensive, and who’s going to support it all
  • Case studies of both successes and failures
