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Andrey Kuznetsov

Sber, Executive Director of Data Research

His work centers around computer vision, multimodal architectures, and detecting distortion in digital images and videos.

Professional achievements:

  • Releasing Kandinsky and Kandinsky 2.0
  • Defending a dissertation for a degree as a candidate of technical sciences
  • Laureate for the President of the Russian Federation’s scholarship for young scientists and postgraduates in 2015–2017 and 2018–2020;
  • Hirsch index score of 10

He managed grants for the development of new algorithms used to detect distortions in digital images, and he has more than 60 publications in major scientific journals and collections of international conference abstracts indexed by the Scopus database.

His passions include reading and road trips, and he enjoys playing table tennis and basketball.

Recommends these reads:

  • The Complete Guide to Memory: The Science of Strengthening Your Mind by Richard Restak
Andrey Kuznetsov
On YaTalks 2022