To the list of speakers

Dmitry Mordvinov

Huwai, Key Academic Consultant St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor, Lecturer

His expertise is in statistical analysis of programs and symbolic execution.

He used to lead the formal methods group at JetBrains Research. Given his track record successfully applying scientific methods to IT production, he’s been published at top conferences for programming languages (PLDI, ECOOP, FMCAD, ETAPS). He authored the symbolic virtual machine V# and won a competition on deriving program invariants. Through his work with a. NET type system,he’s unlocked new theoretical conclusions.

Almost all of his free time is spent out and about. He runs marathons, ultramarathons, and trails, and he’s also passionate about mountain tourism, orienteering, and water tourism. Sometimes he plays chess and HOMM3.

He’ll be talking about UnitTestBot, a scientifically verified tool for synthesizing complete test coverage and deep code analysis without false positives.

Recommends these reads:

  • Model Theory by Chen Chung Chang and Howard Jerome Keisler
  • Descriptive Complexity by Neil Immerman
Dmitry Mordvinov
On YaTalks 2022
3 December 13:15

Оpen-source talks
