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Denis Mosin

Yandex, Director of Design for Alice and Smart Devices

He handles industrial design and communications for Alice and all the other smart devices Yandex builds.

A winner of Red Apple, ADCR, ADCE, Red Dot, and other awards, he’s been teaching creative methodologies to school graduates and corporate clients for ten years.

His passions include playing chess, snowboarding, walking his dog Brooklyn, and sailing. He drives everything that can be driven, though he also loves walking and thinks it’s the only way to really get to know a city.

Recommends these reads:

  • Games People Play by Eric Berne
  • Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom Kelley
  • Ptolemy’s Map: A Documentary Film Maker’s Sketches by Herz Frank
Denis Mosin
On YaTalks 2022